"Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right".
-Henry Ford
Well! Creative Visualization is the technique of using our imagination to create what we want in our life. We are already using it every day every minute in fact. It’s our natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of the universe, which we use constantly, whether or not we are aware of it. Many of us use our power of creative visualization in a relatively unconscious way. Because of our own deep rooted negative concepts about life, we have automatically and unconsciously expected and imagined lack, limitation, difficulties, and problems to be part of our life, to one degree or another that is what we have created for ourselves.
Our visualization faculty is a great tool with which we can attract success or failure. Unfortunately this choice is dangerous, because most of us unconsciously visualize lack and limitations.
Now! Let us use our natural creative imagination in a more and more conscious way, as a technique to create what we truly want in life. It may be any one of these- love, fulfillment, enjoyment, satisfying relationships, rewarding work, self expression, health, beauty, prosperity, inner peace, harmony or all of these. Whatever your heart desire, the use of creative visualization gives us a key to tap into the natural goodness and bounty of life.
Imagination is the ability to create an idea, a mental picture of a feeling sense of something. In creative visualization you use your imagination to create a clear image, idea, or feeling of something you wish to manifest, and then you continue to focus on the idea, feelings or picture regularly giving it positive energy until it becomes objective reality, in other words, until you actually achieve what you have been imagining.
Your goal may be on any level-physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. You might imagine yourself with a new home, or with a new job, or having a satisfying relationship, or feeling calm and serene or perhaps with an improved memory and learning ability. Or you might picture yourself handling a difficult situation effortlessly, or simply see yourself as a radiant being, filled with light and love. You can work on any level and all will have results. Through experience you will find the particular images and techniques that work best for you.
Let us say, for example, that you are feeling unsatisfied in your current job situation. If you feel that the job is basically right for you but there are factors that need improvement, you could begin by imagining the improvements that you desire. If that doesn’t work or if you feel that you would prefer a new job, the focus on imagining yourself in the employment situation that you desire.
Either way, the technique is basically the same. After relaxing into a deep, quiet, meditative state of mind, imagine that you are working in your ideal job situation. Imagine yourself in the physical setting or environment that you would like, doing work that you enjoy and find satisfying, interacting with people in a harmonious way, receiving appreciation and appropriate financial compensation. Add any other details that are important for you, such as the hours you work, the amount of autonomy and/or responsibility you have, and so on. Try to get a feeling in yourself that this is possible; experience it as if it were already happening. In short, imagine it exactly the way you’d like it to be, as if I were already so!
Repeat this short, simple exercise often, perhaps twice a day, or whenever you think about it. If you desire and intention to make a change are clear, chance are good that you may find some type of shift taking place in your work, fairly soon.
To use creative visualization it is not necessary to believe in any metaphysical or spiritual ideas, though you must be willing to entertain certain concepts as being possible. It is not necessary to have faith in any power outside yourself.
The only thing necessary is that you have the desire to enrich your knowledge and experience, and an open enough mind to try something new in a positive spirit.
Study the principles, try the techniques with an open mind and heart, and then judge for yourself whether they are useful to you.
If so, continue using and developing them, and soon the changes in yourself and your life will probably exceed anything you could have originally dreamed of.
Creative visualization is magic in the truest and highest meaning of the word. It involves understanding and aligning yourself with the natural principles that govern the working of our universe, and learning to use these principles in the most conscious and creative way.
If you had never seen a gorgeous flower or a spectacular sunset before, and someone described one to you, you might consider it to be a miraculous thing (which truly is!). Once you've seen a few yourself, and begun to learn something about the natural laws involved, you would then begin to understand how they are formed and it would seem natural to you and not particularly mysterious.
The same is true of the process of visualization. What at first might seem amazing or impossible to the very limited type of education our rational minds have received, become perfectly understandable once we learn and practice with the underlying concepts involved.
Once you do so, it may seem that you are working miracles in your life and truly will be.
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